
Help for Talk[edit]

Talk.pngTalkTalkTalksA presentation or speech given at an event


A presentation or speech given at an event

Example Talks[edit]

1,2,3 in 6 minutes


Talk audienceThe target audience of the talkTypes/Textaudienceaudience
Talk descriptionThe description of the talkTypes/Textdescriptiondescription
Talk durationThe duration of the talk in minutesTypes/Numberdurationduration
Talk eventEvent at which this Talk is presentedTypes/Pageeventevent
Talk keywordsThe keywords associated with the talkTypes/Textkeywordskeywords
Talk startThe planned start time of the talkTypes/Datestartstart
Talk statusThe status of the talkTypes/Textstatusstatus
Talk stopThe planned finish time of the talkTypes/Datestopstop
Talk titleThe title of the talkTypes/Texttitletitletrue
Talk typeThe type of the talkTypes/Texttypetype
Talk videoThe video link of the talkTypes/URLvideovideo
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