SMWCon Fall 2015

SMWCon Fall 2015
The 12th conference on Semantic MediaWiki (SMWCon) brings together developers, users, and organizations from the semantic wiki community around the world.
Conference details
Location Fabra i Coats, Barcelona, Spain
Start: October 28, 2015
Finish: October 30, 2015
Calendar: Event schedule
General Chair: Alina Mierluș
Local Chair: Toni Hermoso
Program Chair: Lia Veja, Karsten Hoffmeyer

Type: SMWCon
Audience: Everyone
Feed: RSS feed, Atom feed
Wikidata-ID: Q42407053
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Carrer Sant Adrià 20, Barcelona, Spain
Fabra i Coats, Barcelona, Spain
Table of Contents

SMWCon Fall 2015 - the 12th Semantic MediaWiki Conference:

October 28 - 30, 2015, Barcelona

  • Participants: Everybody interested in semantic wikis, wikis and open knowledge, especially in Semantic MediaWiki, e.g., users, developers, consultants, business or government representatives, researchers.
  • Registration: Official registration can be done via Tito. The early bird registration period runs until October 5, 2015.
  • Social Media: The hashtag on Semantic MediaWiki on Twitter Twitter is #SMWCon.

Tutorial day - October 28[edit]

On the Tutorial Day our experts will teach and introduce various topics related to semantic wikis, e.g. usage, conception etc. Just click on the button to see what will be prepared for you. We will probably also have special workshop track for advanced users. There is also a workshop track offering various possibilities of directly participating in the program.

Full program schedule → Tutorial day button.png

Conference days - October 29 and 30[edit]

The Conference Days gather people from business, academia, government and non-profit organizations giving talks about applying semantic wikis as well as about newest developments in the field. Click on the button to see the program.

Full program schedule → Conference day button.png

Social program[edit]



Logo of XL&Knowledge

an ArchiXL company  specialist in enterprise IT architecture, knowledge management and semantic wikis



Logo of Ajuntament de Barcelona

Institut de Cultura - Ajuntament de Barcelona
Municipal institution for the promotion of Culture in Barcelona

Logo of Amical Wikimedia

Amical Wikimedia
Local Wikimedia Organization

Logo of Open Semantic Data Association e. V.

Open Semantic Data Association e. V.

Travel & Accommodation[edit]

If you plan to move around Barcelona with public transportation (train, bus, metro), we strongly recommend you to purchase a 10-ride intermodal ticket (less than 10 EUR).

The cheaper option for arriving Sant Andreu neighbourhood (around 1 hour) from the airport:

Keep an eye and be always close to your belongings during your trip, especially at stations and touristic hotspots. You must not be afraid about your physical integrity, but you must be concerned about any pickpocketing attempt. More details...

Other useful information[edit]

Grants for Wikimedians[edit]

Travel & Participation Support funds Wikimedians to actively represent Wikimedia at events around the world. Learn about the Travel & Participation Support program

Code of conduct[edit]

This conference adheres to the principles behind Code of conduct for technical spaces of the Wikimedia community (still in draft at the time of writing). In case of any concerning issue, do not hesitate to contact Toni Hermoso by email Template:Email or directly during the event.


Thank you to the organizers and participants. Add your note!

🖨 🚪