SMWCon Spring 2013

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SMWCon Spring 2013
SMWCon brings together developers, users, and organizations from the Semantic MediaWiki community around the world.
Conference details
Location New York City, United States
Start: 2013/03/20
Finish: 2013/03/22
Calendar: Event schedule
General Chair: Joel Natividad
Local Chair: Yaron Koren
Program Chair: Laurent Alquier

Type: SMWCon
Audience: Everyone
Feed: RSS feed, Atom feed
Wikidata-ID: Q42407112
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721 Broadway, New York, NY 10003, 4th Floor
New York City, United States
Table of Contents

The Spring 2013 SMWCon was held March 20-22 in New York City. SMWCon is a twice-yearly event for users and developers of Semantic MediaWiki.


The Spring 2013 SMWCon was held at the ITP, or the Interactive Telecommunications Program, a department of New York University, in New York City, in the United States. ITP is located at 721 Broadway, between Washington Pl. and Waverly Pl., in New York's Greenwich Village neighborhood.

ITP is a graduate program focused on a multi-disciplinary approach to communication technology; they describe themselves as "a center for the recently possible."


SMWCon Spring 2013/Agenda

Talk proposals

Since the program is finalized in the previous section, we are not looking for new talks at this time. If you want to give a talk, you can still sign up and add your name, the title of your talk and a short description to the Lightning Talk section.

Wish-list for Topics

If there is anything you would like to see or hear about during the conference, add it to this list:

  • The SMW roadmap
  • The documentation and promotion of SMW
  • Triple stores
  • Design and implementation of SMW Javascript including libraries and API
  • noSQLStore4? - using MongoDB to store semantic data alongside Mediawiki relational DB
  • Folding in select SMW+ extensions into main SMW development
  • New ideas for Semantic Result Formats (tiled view - Masonry plugin, advanced timeline - cf Facebook).
  • Add your idea here...

Attendee list

The Confirmed attendee list can be found on Eventbrite.


Those planning to attend SMWCon should consider reserving a room as soon as possible, since hotels in Manhattan can sometimes get filled up quickly. The following are all moderately-priced hotels and hostels in the area around ITP:

If you wish to share a hotel room with other attendees, or to stay with a local attendee, in order to save on costs, please add your name below.

Tuesday night gathering

There is a get-together for drinks being organized on Tuesday night, the night before SMWCon starts, by Doug Beeson; to join, please write him at Template:Email.


We would like to thank the support of the following organizations: