SMWCon Fall 2010

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SMWCon Fall 2010
The 2th conference on Semantic MediaWiki (SMWCon) brings together developers, users, and organizations from the semantic wiki community around the world.
Conference details
Location Open Universiteit, Studiecentrum Amsterdam
Start: September 18, 2010
Finish: September 19, 2010
General Chair: Lloyd Rutledge
Local Chair:
Program Chair:

Type: SMWCon
Audience: Everyone
Feed: RSS feed, Atom feed
Wikidata-ID: Q42407162
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Amstelveenseweg 390, 1076 CT Amsterdam
Open Universiteit, Studiecentrum Amsterdam
Table of Contents

The Weigh House ("De Waag") in Amsterdam

SMWCon Fall 2010 is the 2th International Semantic MediaWiki Conference. It was held on the weekend of Sept 18–19 at the Open Universiteit in its Amsterdam Study Center in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The conference provided an informal and engaging environment for discussing cutting-edge and emerging Semantic MediaWiki tools, extensions and applications.


October 7th, 2010: Links to video clip for each presentation added.

August 20th, 2010: Registration fee is now fixed at €40 Euros, for facilities and catered lunch.

August 18th, 2010: We now have a program. Take a look, especially if you've submitted a proposal. The program remains open to additional talk proposals, so if you'd like to add one, enter a proposal in the program proposals section ... but be quick!

July 15th, 2010: You can request a hotel with reduced rates with the SMWCon Fall 2010 hotel form. See Venue and Accommodation for more information.

July 12th, 2010: There is now a SMWCon Fall 2010 Flyer Template:Pdf. Please feel free to distribute it.


SMWCon brings together developers, users, and organizations from the Semantic MediaWiki community around the world. As with the previous SMWCons, SMWCon Fall 2010 will include presentations and discussions about current applications and the future development of Semantic MediaWiki and its extensions and applications. Participants are invited to present their own work and to discuss experiences and ideas. While the conference will have scheduled presentations, each will encourage free discussion and a rapid exchange of ideas. Suggestions and proposals for schedule items are welcome: they can be posted below, or sent via email to Lloyd Rutledge (Lloyd.Rutledge [at]

The conference on both days will take place from 10 AM to around 5:30 PM. There will be a single "track" for the entire time. The expected registration fee for this event is €40, which covers lunch and study center staff costs. Payment is in cash on site on the day of the event.

Talk slides will be linked and stored on this wiki. Video recordings of all sessions will be put online.



9:00 - 9:30 AM - Continental breakfast

9:30 - 9:45 AM - Welcome

9:45 - 10:30 - Markus Krötzsch: SMW: Past Present Future (video)`

10:30 - 11:00 - Benedikt Kämpgen: SMW System Testing with Selenium - SMWCon Fall 2010 (video)

11:00 - 11:15 AM - Coffee break

11:15 - 12:00 AM - Jeroen De Dauw: Maps and Semantic Maps - .odp .pdf (video)

12:00 AM - 12:45 PM - Mark Greaves: Ultrapedia (video)

12:45 - 2:15 PM - Lunch - During Lunch:

2:15 - 3:00 PM

3:00 - 3:45 PM - Jesse Wang: Wikitags - Connecting MS Office People to SMW File:WikiTags – SMWCon Fall 2010 Amsterdam.pdf (video)

3:45 - 4:00 PM - Coffee break

4:00 - 4:45 PM - Hans-Jörg Happel: Semantic Need Extension: Semantics from the people! (Slides) (video)

4:45 - 5:15 PM - Michael Cariaso: SNPedia & Bots (video)

5:15 - 5:30 PM - Daniel Hansch: The suite of halo Extensions (video)


9 - 9:30 AM - Continental breakfast

9:30 - 10:00 AM - Rudi van Bavel: (ab)using a Wiki - Techniques for bulk loading 1M pages Slides (video)

10:00 - 10:45 AM - Yaron Koren: Semantic Forms: thoughts on next steps + bug the developer (video)

10:45 - 11:15 AM - Alfredas Chmieliauskas & Chris Davis: SparqlExtension Slides, Online Demo (video)

11:15 - 11:30 AM - Coffee break

11:30 - 12:00 PM - Daniel Hansch: Making SMW smarter with project halo TripleStore Connector (video)

12:00 - 12:45 PM - Jesse Wang: Agile and Effective Software Development Project Management by SMW (video)

12:45 - 2:15 PM - Lunch - During Lunch

  • Birds of a feather discussions - Focus on Commercial aspects and the SMW Community
  • Posters and demos

2:15 - 2:45 PM - Henk Scholten: SMW & Knowledge Driven Business Intelligence / Performance Management (video)

2:45 - 3:15 PM - Joel Natividad: Workflow integration - integrating with workflow/BPM engines (video)

3:15 - 3:45 PM - J. Schoonderbeek: Case Study: Managing ICT infrastructure architecture knowledge (video)

3:45 - 4:00 PM - Coffee break

4:00 - 5:15 PM - Open discussion (alphabetical): Mike Cariaso, Jeroen De Dauw, Mark Greaves, Daniel Hansch, Markus Kroetzsch, Yaron Koren, Jesse Wang, and all the attendees (video: part 1, part 2)

5:15 - 5:30 PM - Closing

Program Proposals

Please add your ideas for additional talks/discussions below, both for talks that you would like to give and for talks you would like to see. Talks can take the form of open discussions as well, with a single person mostly just moderating.

  • Several open discussions about the future of SMW - Jeroen De Dauw (My name only indicating I propose this, not that I will have a central part in it.)
I support this (and I probably will have a central part in it) -- Markus Krötzsch 15:08, 17 August 2010 (UTC)
  • Technical: What improvements can be made, which features can be added, ect. Creating some sort of roadmap to give people an idea of where SMW is going would be very nice.
  • Commercial: How to best promote SMW and to get wider adoption.
  • Community: Discussion about how the community works and what can be improved. How can developers be attracted. How will we handle GSoC 2011?


  • Lunches: Lunch is arranged for all attendees, it is included in the conference fee. It will be available in or next to the meeting room, and in good weather it can be taken outside to the lawn.
  • Dinner: Saturday evening a conference dinner is arranged at the Guru of India, Lange Leidsedwarsstraat 56, Amsterdam (Near the Leidseplein). It is buffet including starters, and will cost EUR 25,- per person, this is NOT included in the conference fee.

Other Suggestions

  • Recording presentations. If we use GotoMeeting, we can also record all the presentations for offline/asynchronous-viewing and for the benefit of those who cannot attend. It will require that each presenter do a quick install of the GotoMeeting client though, which is just a 1-minute/button install. If the group is interested, I can provide the account for free. --Joel Natividad 19:46, 25 August 2010 (UTC)


The below list can be used as a preliminary form of informal registration to help the organizers to plan the event. Edit the page or this section to add your name or nick. Please also consider proposing a contribution in the Program Proposals section.

  1. Lloyd Rutledge
  2. Henk Scholten
  3. Michael Cariaso
  4. Yaron Koren
  5. J. Schoonderbeek
  6. Markus Krötzsch
  7. Nicole Koenderink
  8. Jeen Broekstra
  9. Remco de Boer
  10. Jesse Wang
  11. Karima Rafes
  12. Mari Wigham
  13. Gérard de Smaele
  14. Chide Groenouwe
  15. Timo Kouwenhoven, Aviation Safety SMW
  16. Jeroen De Dauw
  17. Siebrand Mazeland
  18. Alfredas Chmieliauskas (TU Delft, The Netherlands)
  19. Chris Davis (TU Delft, The Netherlands)
  20. Hans-Jörg Happel
  21. Sander Goudsblom
  22. Michel Zijlema
  23. John Callahan
  24. Benedikt Kämpgen
  25. Basil Ell
  26. Toni Hermoso Pulido
  27. Cornelia Veja
  28. Joel Natividad
  29. Stitch
  30. Dmitry Katsubo
  31. Natbrown
  32. Michael Erdmann
  33. Andreas Rulle
  34. Stephan Gambke
  35. Roberto Boselli
  36. Juha Villman
  37. Rineke Oostenrijk
  38. Rudi van Bavel
  39. Daniel Hansch (ontoprise)
  40. Jan Willem Noteboom
  41. Sven Schomakers
  42. Mark Greaves
  43. Ton van der Zwet
  44. Robert Jan van der Burght

General Information


The Open Universiteit Amsterdam Study Center is very close to public transport, the highway and Amsterdam's Schiphol airport. Directions are available at the Study Center homepage (or read Google's English translation). The capacity is 100 people. The building has wireless and non-stop free coffee.

The address is:

Open Universiteit
Studiecentrum Amsterdam
Amstelveenseweg 390
1076 CT Amsterdam
telefoon: +31 20 578 8411
Google Maps


A variety of hotels are available in the neighborhood of the venue.

If you wish to share an accommodation, please register your wish here. You either wish to share a room or accommodation, or you have a bed available, either because you live in Amsterdam or because you reserved a hotel room with a second bed and would like to split the cost.


It turned out that Skype is quite convenient for messaging during the event, but there will surely be enough time for face-to-face discussions. The tag '#smwcon' can be used on, Twitter, Flickr, and so on.

To reach the organizers of the event directly, please contact Lloyd Rutledge (Lloyd.Rutledge [at]

Read, print, post and distribute the SMWCon Fall 2010 Flyer Template:Pdf and the SMWCon Fall 2010 CFP text.

Organizing Committee
